Thursday, July 21, 2011

Vacation, Coupons, and Budgets

Well, we had traveled to Pennsylvania to visit my Dad. We got here on the first of July and were going to stay until the first of August, but our air conditioner had issues back in Oklahoma and we had tocsome home to make sure our pets were all okay.

we did get to spend a week in Washington DC and visit a lot of the local sights. The Washington Monument was my husband's favorite and the Smithsonian Castle was mine. The gardens out back were so beautiful, I could have spent the entire vacation just lounging around.

We got home to Oklahoma late last night and were glad to be out of a moving vehicle. My parents brought my son's dog, Poppy home today and we all went and had lunch together.

I have a lot of plans for this next quarter of the year and am trying to make sure that I get as much input from blog followers and fellow facebook friends and twitter friends.

I'm going back to school to complete my degree in English this Fall, so I will be a little busier than I normally am. I'm also homeschooling my youngest son, Andrew who will be in the Fifth grade.

I follow several very informative coupon and money saving blogs on fb and twitter and am wanting to make sure that I gain as much knowledge as possible to put our family on track to keep a budget and save money as much as possible. I'd like to reach the goal of being debt free and financially sound.

One of my other desires is to keep up to date on my own blog and find out how to offer sweepstakes and giveaways like so many other blogs. I find that knowledge is something that you can never have too much of. The economy is in such dire straits and we will be losing a big portion of income when my son turns 18 next year. My husband is currently going to school and is not employed at this time, so the purse strings have to be tightened a little more this next quarter too.

So needless to say, there will be more to come on the blog and hopefully I will gain the know-how as to how to have a better blog and offer giveaways, knowledge, and share with everyone. Pulling together to help each other make it through to the end of the year will be a nice opportunity for me. It's a start and I'm looking forward to having you with me on this new journey!

Please, if you have any advice and information you would be willing to share, I would appreciate it greatly!

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